Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Faux Chicken Parmesan

This isn’t exactly traditional chicken parmigiana, more of my own makeshift version. I tend to like the taste of the chicken more when it’s not breaded (and being so hungry at the time, I didn’t feel like digging around for breadcrumbs). Also, next time I make this pan sauce, I think I’d leave out the cherry tomatoes. They didn’t really add anything. Leaving them whole just made them hard to eat and they got all over the place (I didn’t cook them enough before putting the crushed tomatoes in the pan). I like the sweet taste, so if I had crushed them beforehand, it might have been better, but I think just the crushed tomatoes is fine.

Faux Chicken Parmesan
  • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • 4 Tbsp all-purpose flour
  • 4 Tbsp unsalted butter, at room temperature
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1/2 tsp dry oregano (or 3 tsp fresh)
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • about 4 oz mozzarella cheese
  • chopped parsley for garnish
For the homemade tomato pan sauce:
  • 2 Tbsp of previously made butter mixture 
  • half of a 12oz can of crushed tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes
In a small bowl, mix together the butter, garlic, oregano, and paprika. Season to taste with salt and pepper and set aside. Preheat oven to 400* F. Season both sides of chicken breast with salt and pepper. Put the flour onto a plate and then, working with one breast at a time, press both sides into the flour. Shake until excess flour is removed and repeat with each remaining chicken breast.

Melt 2 tbsp of the butter mixture with the olive oil into a heavy skillet on high heat. Reduce to medium high when butter stops foaming. Add chicken breasts and sauté until browned on one side, about 5-7 minutes (depending on how large the chicken breast is). Flip and continue cooking another 3-4 minutes. Once chicken is cooked, transfer to an oven safe dish (I used a casserole dish), prepared with a very thin layer of crushed tomatoes and a small amount of butter mixture (less than 1/8 of a tbsp). Lay the chicken on top of the tomatoes and add mozzarella cheese on top. Place into the oven while the tomato sauce is prepared.

To prepare pan sauce: Add the 2 remaining tbsp of the previously made butter mixture to the pan you just used to sauté your chicken. Once butter is melted, add 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes and cook until the skins of the tomatoes have the appearance of wrinkled paper. Add 1/2 a 12oz can of crushed tomatoes and stir. Add salt and ground black pepper to taste, and mix until the crushed tomatoes and butter have completely blended (the tomatoes should be a darker red than they started out). Keep mixing the sauce until it comes to a simmer.

Serve chicken with pan sauce, a sprinkle of parmesan cheese, and a garnish of chopped parsley.

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